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February Newsletter


February. When I saw this image, the first thing that came to my mind was a heart, you know the beating organ in our chest. The black lines made me think of veins, and it almost has a 3D quality to it.

It is an image of sand on the beach with water flowing through it. The sound that made sense to me was the crashing waves on the beach and the beating heart merged together, so that's what I made. I hope that you are enjoying the sounds so far! See you next month!

Ali ox

2025 Calendar Newsletter

January Sound

January Sound

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2025 January Newsletter SOUNDS

Are you ready for the sounds? Click on the video

Rise and Shine! Welcome to 2025!

This year's calendar theme is Sounds and I hope that you have enjoyed the first one.

It may be cliche to begin this way but I love a new year! A fresh start with every intention to make changes, to right past wrongs, to do and be better. This image and the soundscape compels me to do just that. I hope that during this month you find inspiration to make that change, however big or small it may be. Ali ox

Happy New Year and Cock-a-Doodle Do!

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